Discussionswsmac Student Group

Founded in 1955, the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) is the largest membership organization of professional social workers in the world, with more than 120,000 members. NASW works to enhance the professional growth and development of its members, to create and maintain professional standards, and to advance sound social policies. The Michigan Community College Student Services Association (MCCSSA) is comprised of student services personnel from the public community colleges of Michigan. Purpose MCCSSA provides a forum for student services personnel to meet together, to share experiences, to exchange views, and to discuss mutual problems, which are related to their. If you would like the student username/password list, Please e-mail Amy Crandall. Comments (-1) 311 Aviation Road Marietta, GA 30060 (770) 420-0822 (770) 420-0839.

Discussionswsmac student group activities

The Michigan Community College Student Services Association (MCCSSA) is comprised of student services personnel from the public community colleges of Michigan.


MCCSSA provides a forum for student services personnel to meet together, to share experiences, to exchange views, and to discuss mutual problems, which are related to their professional work. The Association will also provide a vehicle for the articulation of professional information and the professional insight and resolutions of the membership.

Conferences and Events

Information on our upcoming conferences and events is available on the Conferences page.

Discussionswsmac Student Group Member



Discussionswsmac Student Group Images

Please check our Job Postings page. If you have a job posting to add, please use the form on the bottom of that page.

Executive Board

Our current Executive Board is a great group of student services professionals from Michigan’s community colleges. If you’d like to get involved with MCCSSA, let one of our board members know. We’d love to have you! A list of upcoming board meetings is available on our Dates to Remember page.


Member Updates

If you have edits to the membership list (new staff, new titles, need to remove someone), please use the Contact Us form, also available on the right side of this page.